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Ultra mobile transparent encyclopedia !!!!

2 participants

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Ultra mobile transparent encyclopedia !!!! Empty Ultra mobile transparent encyclopedia !!!!

Message par casper Sam 30 Aoû - 14:31

Ultra mobile transparent encyclopedia !!!! Mobile-encyclopedia-on-a-transparent-slide-200208
The transparent slide shown to you here is a mobile encyclopedia.
To use it just frame it over an object, such as a building, and
subsequently touch on a floor of the building on the slide and it’ll
zoom into it and give you the full detail of that building.

This transparent slide is just a concept, which is an idea to clam
all the capabilities of Internet onto this super thin mobile device.
It’ll feature touch screen, built in camera, scanner, WiFi, google map
or google earth, google search, image search all in one slim device.

The super slim device shall contain a link to huge
databases of information of every object on earth via the Internet.
Just simply get any object framed within the slide, you can then zoom
into more details of that object, by having your little finger touch on
the slide. Other than buildings, you’ll have almost everything,
including finding out more details about a car model, an insect name,
what kind of food is served at a restaurant and how much, who built a
bridge, etc.
If this gadget gets materialized, nothing on Earth will be as easy
as using this super slim device for finding information. Furthermore,
it’s tied to various online resources such as online dictionary,
Wikipedia, thesaurus etc.
Ultra mobile transparent encyclopedia !!!! Transparent-slide-a-mobile-encyclopedia-180208
Ultra mobile transparent encyclopedia !!!! Futuristic-mobile-encyclopedia-a-super-slim-mobile-internet-device-200208

Masculin Nombre de messages : 80
Age : 39
Section : Informatique
Date d'inscription : 06/08/2008

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Ultra mobile transparent encyclopedia !!!! Empty Re: Ultra mobile transparent encyclopedia !!!!

Message par Juve Simo Sam 30 Aoû - 15:13

Ca sera genial...
Très pratque...
Juve Simo
Juve Simo

Masculin Nombre de messages : 671
Age : 38
Localisation : Between the white and the black...
Section : Computers
Date d'inscription : 02/11/2007


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Ultra mobile transparent encyclopedia !!!! Empty Re: Ultra mobile transparent encyclopedia !!!!

Message par casper Mer 3 Sep - 15:43

Sa sera génial surtout dans notre vie d'étudiant: on pe dire avec se truc, Bye bye aux photocopie, et tu pe aussi numérique tt vos cours sur les tableau de l'ensi.
Genial et chapeau au concepteur

Masculin Nombre de messages : 80
Age : 39
Section : Informatique
Date d'inscription : 06/08/2008

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Ultra mobile transparent encyclopedia !!!! Empty Re: Ultra mobile transparent encyclopedia !!!!

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